Social Media Marketing
Digital Marketing

Know more about Social Media Marketing

It’s unlikely that you would have never heard of Social Media Marketing in today’s day and age, and it’s almost impossible that you haven’t experienced Social Media Marketing in one form or another. 

As you know, Social Media Marketing is a subset of Digital Marketing that uses social media platforms to connect with your audience, build your brand, increase sales, and funnel Website traffic.

The success of any form of Social Media involves publishing high-quality content on your Social Media profiles, listening to and engaging followers, analyzing your outcomes, and running social media advertising campaigns.

Social Media Marketing
Know more about Social Media Marketing

Currently, the top Social Media Platforms for Businesses are:

  • Facebook
  • Youtube
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest


Various Social Media Management Agencies aim to get businesses the most out of the social media platforms listed above, but only a highly innovative and experienced Social Media like PRYZM Media can deliver guaranteed Social Media Marketing success. PRYZM Media builds your unique brand identity and strategically grows your business to help you succeed.

Originating from Publishing and used primarily as a way to generate website traffic, Social Media has now evolved far beyond its original purpose as a broadcasting option. Nowadays, businesses use social media in a myriad of different ways. For example:-

  • A Business that wants to know what people are saying about its brand would monitor and participate in social media conversations (Social Media Engagement & Listening).
  • To understand how its’ performing on social media, a Business would analyze its reach, engagement, and sales on social media with an Analytics tool (Social Media Analytics). 
  • To reach a specific audience at scale a Business may run highly-targeted social media ads (Social Media Advertising).

Clubbed together, these services are synonymous with Social Media Management.

There are 5 Core Pillars or Verticals to Social Media Marketing:

  • Strategy: What are the goals? Which Social Media Platforms do you choose? What type of content will you share? How do you plan to use your Social Media to achieve your Business Goals? Strategy is the logical first step.
  • Planning & Publishing: Beginning the publishing of content on your target platform that targets your intended audience. Any posts, shares, or media shared on a Social Media Platform would count as Publishing. At PRYZM Media, posts are scheduled for specific times of the day after rigorous research into the Customer Avatar.
  • Listening and Engagement: As your Online Presence grows, People will comment on your social media posts, tag you in their social media posts, message you directly, or post about you somewhere you don’t know, and Social Media Analytics help you find all those instances to respond to and monitor.
  • Analytics: Detailed analyses of how your Social Media Campaign is doing. While Social Networks provide basic statistics, you can count on PRYZM Media’s array of Advanced Analytics Tools to learn and benefit from every relevant statistic.
  • Advertising: When you have funds, Social Media Advertising becomes an essential parallel effort to Publishing. Social Media Advertising allows you to reach new audiences outside of your following or userbase. PRYZM Media, like any world-class Social Media Agency, fine-tunes your targeted Ads to reach very specific demographic populations as per your sector.

We hope you enjoyed this informational article that briefs you on the basics of everything there is to know about Social Media Marketing! Thanks for reading. If you liked this article, please subscribe to our Email Notifications for the best Digital Marketing and Social Media Marketing information.

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