Mobile Applications
Mobile Application

E-Commerce & Mobile Applications: The Perfect Match

Mobile applications have captured the fancy of internet browsers and how. There is an application for every service offering or product, leaving consumers to find what they are looking for simply through one touch.

E-commerce is a flagbearer in this scenario. Each E-commerce business worth its name now has a mobile presence. In fact, sales are much higher through the mobile channel than their web applications. Take the case of global retail giant Target. Despite its colossal brick and mortar presence, the brand has experienced an unprecedented 200% increase in sales through mobile channels on Black Friday 2016 alone. Research says that a whopping 80% of the shoppers turn to an application before they look for human assistance when they need to buy something. That’s the impact of mobile applications on e-commerce.

A welcome trend mobile applications have brought about in e-commerce is ushering a level playing field for multi-nationals and small businesses alike. Smaller businesses now have a chance to showcase their products and sell alongside the biggest brands in the business.


Earlier, mobile applications were a lot more difficult to build, let alone secure. Today, with the advent of a host of mobile application technologies, creating your applications just how you want it couldn’t get easier. DIY mobile applications have given small businesses, niche artists and designers a chance to reach a global audience in a cost-effective manner.

With discounts, promotion codes, wardrobe suggestions, and personalized picks, mobile applications in e-commerce have truly become the preferred choice in retail. These applications also prove to be excellent marketing channels and become a strong branding tool for the business itself.

There is no doubt that e-commerce on the mobile domain is growing leaps and bounds not only in volume and numbers but also in terms of the conversion of patrons. If you haven’t leveraged this space for your retail business, Pryzm Media is your preferred application development partner to catapult you into your mobile trajectory.

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